It's a long process, but you only have to do it once. PrimaGames then continued, "By the time you've completed the main story mode and all of the Parallel Quests, you'll be very close to the level cap if you haven't already reached it.

As you complete story missions you'll unlock Parallel Quests that you should also play through," wrote PrimaGames

Your best bet is to play through the main story missions by speaking with Trunks and making your way through the portal in the upper right corner of the Plaza of Time in Tokitoki City. "The first time you level up a character you won't have access to all of the Parallel Quests to help you level up. PrimaGames stressed that you have to finish the story mode and unlock all the parallel quests for these "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats, tips and tricks to work. PrimaGames revealed their tutorial on how to get to max level quickly in their "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats tutorial. New "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" cheats have surfaced online as a tutorial on how to get to max level in minutes and a lesson on how to unlock all the moves in the game has been revealed online.