CyanoBot for Archlord v.1.1 CyanoBot is an advanced gaming bot for the Archlord MMORPG featuring autonomous fighting, looting, crafting, teleporting, and item trading capabilities.Our software, PokerAndroid, automatically reads the recommended action from Online Holdem Inspector and performs the suggested action for you without. Free Poker Bot v.Version 2.0.4 PokerAndroid is an automatic Hold' em playing pokerbot add on for Online Holdem Inspector."Poker Stars")2) Logic for decision process (default CLIPS poker engine)3) Human behavior simulation. Online Poker Bot v.1.0 A Texas Hold 'em poker bot targeting online poker gaming with plugins for:1) Target poker site (i.e.Best Poker Bot v.1.0 A poker playing software that beats human opponents.You can limit the number of bets to be placed and choose to log the session to a file or not. This bot will work on most if not all Net Entertainment casinos. Oasis Poker Bot v.3.2.5 Oasis Poker Bot for Net Ent Casinos that plays the perfect strategy automatically.Plays NL, PL, Limit, Cash games, MTTs and SNGs.

Works at several large online poker rooms. Poker Bot v.4.5.2 Best poker bot ever to become commercially avaiable by miles.The Poker Bot Software Works With Ring Games, Tournaments and Sit And Go's. Advanced Poker Bot v.3.2 Advanced Poker Bot v3 is an automated poker-playing bot software designed for playing no limit poker at the online poker sites.