Hacks of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance: Castlevania Circle of the Moon Hugh Baldwin Hack - A Hack that reverses the roles of Hugh Baldwin and Nathan Graves to allow you to play as Hugh Baldwin.Castlevania Legends Speed Hack - A hack of the game that increases Sonia's speed.Castlevania SOTN: Hacked - Includes enhanced enemy and boss attacks and patterns.Survival mode - makes the game much harder by removing healing at savepoints.Hacks of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: Death's Defiance - A hack featuring a playable Death.Dracula X Stylish Richter Hack - Hack of Dracula X using the outfit "evil Richter" used in Symphony of the Night.Dracula X Unsung Villain Hack - Hack of Dracula X that features the sprite of the character from the canceled game The Bloodletting.Dracula X Trevor Hack - A hack of Dracula X that features the sprite of Trevor Belmont.Dracula Fight - A hack at the top of the castle keep where Dracula first watches Richter battle several bosses before fighting him.Castlevania Millenium 1 - A hack involving Richter Belmont featuring new level designs.Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Speed Hack - A hack of Belmont's Revenge increasing the speed of Christopher.Castlevania: Soleiyu's Revenge - A hack of Belmont's Revenge featuring Soleiyu.Hacks of Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge. Castlevania: Cadence of Agony - A hack of Dracula's Curse with new backgrounds, levels, sprites, and a Symphony of the Night era cast.Hacks of Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse:

Haunted Castle III: Trevor's Quest - Haunted Castle style fan game featuring Trevor Belmont structured like Simon's Quest.Haunted Castle II - Haunted Castle style fan game featuring Trevor Belmont.

Gameman250's Castlevania Hack - Level hack that removes the whip degradation after the loss of a life.